Scan of Integrated Youth Services

We’re conducting a detailed scan of Integrated Youth Services (IYS)!

Many organizations are involved in providing integrated youth services (IYS). However, there is a lack of understanding and awareness of how these organizations and their services are organized and operated.


This detailed scan aims to fill this knowledge gap by uncovering and documenting the various models of governance, coordination, and clinical operations and the contexts in which they are employed. Findings will inform and influence practice and policy action toward the development of effective integrated youth services in Canada and internationally, as well as generate interest and awareness.

We are currently interviewing 15 international IYS organizations through a 3-phased scan. Phases will explore the following areas of interest:


Phase 1: Organizational context:

Establishment processes, governance and leadership structures, site locations and rationale, financial investments, barriers, and sustainability concerns.

Phase 2: Processes and Procedures:

Population served, human resource allocations, service streams, interventions, integration, coordination, and pathways.

Phase 3: Partnerships, Evaluation, and Communication

Partnerships and collaborations established, tracking and sharing of client information, evaluation frameworks and findings, engagement and outreach initiatives, and communication and knowledge mobilization processes.



You can anticipate to see our findings in the form of a summary, organizational profile sheets, phased fact sheets, webinars, infographics, how-to guides, policy briefs, and on our website!


This scan is evergreen, thus allowing for additional organizations to participate in future rounds of this scan. If your organization is interested in participating, e-mail



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