Co-host a webinar with Frayme!

Looking for an opportunity to share what your organization or research team is doing in the youth mental health and substance use field? Frayme is looking to profile the work of our network partners through co-hosted webinars. We are currently looking for evidence-informed topics related to the youth mental health and substance use field, including: 

  • Peer support
  • Pathways to and from care 
  • Service provider collaboration
  • Technology and E-services
  • Stepped care
  • Data and evidence 
  • Mental health and Substance use services for Indigenous populations


You develop and present your content and we'll take care of the rest (platform, hosting, marketing)! If you would like to discuss this opportunity, please do not hesitate to contact us for more information. 


Webinar eligibility
For information or resources to be shared via webinar, it must:

  • come from a Frayme partner (to register as a partner, click here
  • be submitted in English or French
  • have an identified contact person or organization
  • indicate any relevant conflicts of interest
  • indicate the methods employed in the evaluation of the project
  • indicate any published sources that endorse the evidence of the content
  • indicate or clearly show how the content and/or resource relate to integrated youth services
  • indicate or clearly show how the content and/or resource has been used in a practical setting or how it draws from lived experience

In order to ensure the quality of resources shared via the network, Frayme will only host webinars that meet the criteria provided.   

Frayme reserves the right to remove content and/or submissions from its communication channels if the content is deemed to be outdated or no longer accurate.


Evaluation criteria

Frayme will evaluate each request based on the following critieria:

  • Relevance to Frayme’s vision, mission, values and focus areas
  • The relevance of the content to improving integrated youth services in Canadian and/or International contexts
  • The methods employed in the project evaluation
  • The scalability of the project or its findings to other jurisdictions or organizations
  • The quality of the evidence available that informed the content
  • The quality of the results of the information (if available)


If you would like to discuss this opportunity, please do not hesitate to contact us for more information. 

Subscribe to Frayme
Stay up-to-date with Frayme and network opportunities through our newsletter, OnPoint. 

Join our Network
Network partners work alongside Frayme or other network partners in order to transform youth mental health and substance use services in Canada. Access the evidence, resources and tools you need to take action.

Inscrivez-vous à la liste d’envoi de Cadre
Restez à l’affût des activités de Cadre et des occasions de réseautage grâce à notre bulletin OnPoint.

Adhérez à notre réseau
Les partenaires du réseau travaillent de concert avec Cadre ou d’autres partenaires du réseau afin de transformer les services de santé mentale et de traitement de la toxicomanie offerts aux jeunes. Vous aurez accès aux faits probants, aux ressources et aux outils dont vous avez besoin pour passer à l’action.