Knowledge Mobilization in Youth Mental Health

When it comes to helping youths improve their mental health and wellness, having streamlined access to critical information is essential. This is not only true for children and teens browsing the web but also for service providers such as therapists and social workers. The process of communicating findings from studies and other forms of analyses, known as knowledge mobilization, is at the core of Frayme’s operations for this reason.

When it comes to helping youth improve their mental health and wellness, having streamlined access to critical information is essential. This is not only true for children and teens browsing the web but also for service providers such as therapists and social workers. The process of communicating findings from studies and other forms of analyses, known as knowledge mobilization, is at the core of Frayme’s operations for this reason.

A Centralized Hub, Driven by Change

Our goal is simple: To empower youths with reliable data sources to aid them in understanding mental health conditions and substance use risks, all while providing ample context for certified therapy professionals and other experts to aid them in their journey towards recovery. Simply sharing this information isn’t enough; inspiring those at risk to reach out and not be ashamed of professional guidance is critical to restoring – and saving – many young lives. 

Informing Integrated Youth Services and Motivating Youths to Use Them

A common saying is that there’s no moving forward without learning from the past. In that sense, knowledge mobilization in youth mental health harnesses experiences, negative and otherwise, to help individuals paint a clearer picture of which direction to go in. Combined with insights from experienced practitioners, the memories of youth with mental health struggles can unlock the path forward through self-reflection. 

As an example, let’s say that a child was surveyed as part of a mental health study. The findings are then published with knowledge mobilization in mind. This means that they are presented in an engaging, more holistic format that appeals to a wider audience. The findings straddle the line between being informative and motivational, targeting both at-risk youths and mental health service providers. This also represents a common ground on which both demographics can connect and build a productive relationship with one another.

Keeping Everyone on the Same Page

Knowledge mobilization in youth mental health is ideal for keeping service providers informed of the latest innovations, findings, proven treatment methods, and more. Our hope is that it enables not only more informed assistance but greater personalization, utilizing raw data to better relate to and understand the circumstances today’s youths are enduring. Not only is engaging those in need critical, but so is utilizing the latest findings to shape as appropriate a recovery plan as possible.

Ready to Mobilize Your Data and Drive Real Change? Join the Frayme Network Today!

About the author

Frayme is knowledge mobilization network for youth mental health research, practice and lived experience. Frayme was created to ensure that young people everywhere benefit from the latest knowledge in youth mental health and substance use. Because healthy young people means a healthy future and a healthy now.
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