Frayme Supported Project 

Standard Metrics to Assess Outcomes of Youth Digital Mental Health Apps


To understand whether mental health apps are safe and effective, we must reliably measure mental health outcomes for those who use them. While there are many tools and methods available to monitor an individual’s response to treatment, not all of these tools and methods have been scientifically validated for use in the digital mental health world.

In partnership with Frayme, HRI will work to identify the tools and methodologies that are most effective for measuring outcomes related to anxiety and depression among youth who use mental health apps. An expert panel including scientists, mental health professionals, and people with lived and living experience of related mental health challenges will work together to identify the outcomes that matter most to app users. They will also collaborate to determine the most effective tools, metrics, and methodologies for rigorously measuring these priority outcomes.


This project will identify the tools and methodologies that are most effective for measuring outcomes related to anxiety and depression among youth who use mental health apps. Researchers will generate a standardized set of metrics and methods that can be used to assess app effectiveness, compare apps, and ultimately improve services to benefit users.


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